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  • (A) It shall be unlawful:
    (1) For any person to operate a sexually oriented business without a valid sexually oriented business license issued by the Building Inspector pursuant to this chapter.
    (2) For any person who operates a sexually oriented business to employ a person to work for the sexually oriented business who is not licensed as a sexually oriented business employee by the Building Inspector pursuant to this chapter.
    (3) For any person to obtain employment with a sexually oriented business without having secured a sexually oriented business employee license pursuant to this chapter.
    (B) An application for a sexually oriented business license must be made on a form provided by the city. The application must be accompanied by a sketch or a diagram showing the configuration of the premises, including a statement of total floor space occupied by the business. The sketch or diagram need not be professionally prepared but must be drawn to a designated scale or drawn with marked dimensions of the interior of the premises to an accuracy of plus or minus six inches.
    (C) All applicants for a license must be qualified according to the provisions of this chapter. The application may request, and the applicant shall provide, such information (including fingerprints) as to enable the City to determine whether the applicant meets the qualifications established under this chapter. The applicant has an affirmative duty to supplement an application with new information received subsequent to the date the application was deemed completed.
    (D) If a person who wishes to own/operate a sexually oriented business is an individual, he must sign the application for a business license as applicant. If a person who wishes to operate a sexually oriented business is other than an individual, each individual who has a 10% or greater interest in the business must sign the application for a business license as applicant. If a corporation is listed as owner of a sexually oriented business or as the entity that wishes to operate such a business, each individual having a 10% or greater interest in the corporation must sign the application for a business license as applicant.
    (E) Applications for a business license, whether original or renewal, must be made to the Building Inspector by the intended operator of the enterprise. Applications must be submitted to the office of the Building Inspector or the Building Inspector's designee during regular working hours. Application forms shall be supplied by the Building Inspector.
    (F) Applications for an employee license to work and/or perform services in a sexually oriented business, whether original or renewal, must be made to the Building Inspector by the person to whom the employee license shall issue. Each application for an employee license shall be accompanied by payment of the application fee in full. Application forms shall be supplied by the Building Inspector. Applications must be submitted to the office of the Building Commissioner or the Building Inspector's designee during regular working hours.
    (G) Every application for a license shall contain a statement under oath that:
    (1) The applicant has personal knowledge of the information contained in the application, and that the information contained therein and furnished therewith is true and correct; and,
    (2) The applicant has read the provisions of this section.
    (H) A separate application and business license shall be required for each sexually oriented business classification as set forth in § 118.02.
    (I) The fact that a person possesses other types of state or city permits and/or licenses does not exempt him from the requirement of obtaining a sexually oriented business or employee license.
    (Ord. 14-99, passed 5-24-99)